Sunday, August 14, 2011

Almost organized!

Mary and I are back on track.. almost. We have cleaned out the third bedroom for Mary's office space. She is starting two more on-line classes for grant writing. She also has space to start some crafty projects that we will sell while on the road.
My space is now neater. There is still much we need to sell via eBay or Craigslist. There are collectibles from NASCAR, Danbury Mint and three shoe boxes of sports cards. Once we have photos, we will start posting on-line.
We are also going through past editions of OUR STATE
href=""> magazine. We are saving the reciepes and some of the destinations we haven't been to yet. We have plans for Labor Day in Asheboro, NC at Holly Bluffs Campground. We are going to Statesville, NC for the Balloon Festival and Lexington, NC for the East vs. West href=""> Lexington BBQ Festival. BUT the Balloon Festival is the same weekend; October 21-23. We will have to drive the 85 mile round trip to Lexington and back on the 22 of October...
There is still a lot for us to see here in North Carolina before we go full time in 2013. We will take our extended trips over Christmas and summer so we have time to see more of our current home state. Remember it is still warm here up until Thanksgiving. It tends to be in the 30s & 40s December through March. Come April we will be back touring North Carolina until June 13, 2012 when we start our big summer trip.
This summer we will research and choose a domicile while we are full timing. Actually we are kind of set on Michigan, what with having family and all there.
We are looking forward to our new found organization, and the ability to start doing more with the website and our means of earning our keep while full timing.

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