June 21, 2011
We have replaced the exterior duplex. The duplex is wired parallel with the slide. We installed a new cover since the original did not have the seals for the outlet; we went with a complete replacement from the big box home repair store in New Hudson, Michigan.
Yesterday the holding tanks were leaking as we drove to the Brighton State Recreation Area to dump the black and grey tanks. We removed the protective covers from the underside of the 5er . The covers were made of 1/8 inch plywood and covered with a plastic material like a trap covering the exposed side. It appears to have been leaking for some time as the plywood is separating between the layers.
We are researching various replacement materials for the covers as this is being typed. Top on the list is an aluminum plate about 1/8 thick. Another possible replacement could be Plexiglas—but we question the durability and overall strength of the Plexiglas.
Each of the covers is 63 ¾ inches long and 35 ¾ inches wide. They slide into a rail on the underside and have one sheet metal screw that holds the panels in place. We need something that is both durable and strong enough to protect the tanks from the debris while driving down the road.
Our first day here, we noticed our brand new “drinking water safe” hose we purchased from Wally World had a giant bulge—looking a lot like a snake that swallowed the rat. It was the blue 25 foot hose made by Apex. We returned it today and will reconnect it this afternoon. We also bought an aqua color 35 foot drinking water safe hose as we are about 45 feet from the water source here at Mary’s brother Sunaire Windows shop in Brighton.
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